April 14, 2013

Homemade Lobster Ravioli

Step 1: Cooking the Lobster
The lobster we bought from the RTM wasn't just for fun (although we did have a fun photo op with it hehe), we also managed to do something useful and turn it into dinner.  We saved about 1/3 of the meat for the sauce and chopped in the rest finely for the filling. 

Step 2: Making the Filling 
We sauteed the lobster meat in some herbs, butter etc and then mixed it with ricotta cheese. 

Step 3: Making the Pasta
For more information on making pasta dough, you can check out the previous ravioli post. We've invested in some new pasta toys since then including a nifty scalloped edged pasta cuter which makes the end result look infinitely better. 

Step 4: Making the Sauce
The pasta sauce has almost all of the same ingredients as the filling except with the addition of some of the water we cooked the lobster in for coloring.  

End Result

2.5 hours later and here it is! 
Probably won't be making this again anytime soon since it was so much work but it sure tasted good. 

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